Our Professional Memberships
We believe that environmental and conservation education must be a collaborative effort both here in our wee country and on a global scale to have the impact necessary.
we work closely with a number of like-minded organisations and have professional membership of institutions including:

Eco-Schools aim to educate and empower young people to make positive decisions and become change makers for an environmentally sustainable world. The aim is to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of a school. This includes extending learning beyond the classroom and, as a partner, we support this work through our interactive animal education sessions and support of the Green Flag certification process.

The Education for Sustainable Development Forum is a networking organisation that promotes a co–ordinated approach to the delivery of environmental education in Northern Ireland. The forum’s aim is to enhance the profile of environmental education in the curriculum and
extra–curricular activities.

The association is made up of more than 300 members around the world and unites educators to achieve biodiversity conservation by encouraging sustainable behaviours in communities. Members collaboratively aim to provide innovative educational programmes to create connections to nature, foster empathy for wildlife and motivate environmental behaviours.

Wee Critters has been awarded the Quality Badge by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom champions all learning that happens beyond the classroom. Their work supports educators, schools and organisations who are dedicated to ensuring more children and young people have opportunities for life-changing learning experiences beyong the classroom.

Wee Critters is fully licensed (by DAERA) to provide interactive animal education sessions and we are recognised, through the licensing process, for demonstrating good animal care practices and having high standard of facilities.