World Parrot Day was started by the World Parrot Trust to highlight these remarkable birds and the dangers facing many parrot species in the wild.

Kiki-Dee is a Jenday conure, a small and colourful member of the parrot family. This stunning species is found in Northern Brazil.
Kiki-Dee plays an important role as one of our ambassador animals and she helps me to deliver a range of curriculum-based topics including classification, the world around us, Jungle VIPs, the edge of extinction and many more.
Kiki-Dee and I have such an amazing bond but I think that’s because I firmly respect and recognise who is in charge…and that’s Kiki-Dee. Kiki-Dee rules the roost!
Many of you will recognise Kiki-Dee from my visit to your school, group, event or party! During my interactive animal education sessions Kiki-Dee often joins me, sitting on my shoulder, while I introduce the rest of the Wee Critters family. She also loves showing off in front of everyone by taking flight from little explorers back to me. People often ask me how I make sure she doesn’t fly off and often wonder if I have her wings clipped and the answer is that we’re best friends. Kiki-Dee as shown during the sessions can 100% fly but she’s happy to spend time together when we are out and about and she’s just a really special wee bird.
Find out more about Wee Critters or book your visit today! 079 1278 5047